“We notice images or feelings that begin to clarify where our personal Synchronicity is taking us; what our “Life Direction” might be. This could fall within any area of human endeavor–from relationships to finding passion in a career. It is usually a vague glimpse of our future destiny, one that invokes in us a heightened sense of inspiration and fulfillment.” ~ James Redfield
“…Dreams come to tell us something about our lives that we are missing.” ~ James RedfieldI gasped when I read this line: "Breathe through your eyes." And then, an ah-ha moment. Clarity. Acknowledgement. It's all spiritual. What I've said/thought many times since I had the dreams. Another quote from the book I've been reading, after finishing The Da Vinci Code: "It relaxes the muscles. It's called, pranayama." And then I smiled from the deepest recesses of my Being.
Whispers from God/Spirit/The Universe. Synchronicities. Always reminding us of the interconnectedness with the universe.
Synchronicities with fish. Why? What is the meaning of these events I've had in only a few days. I ask these questions and then I find this: Synchronicity - The Beauty of Coincidences.
What could the breath and synchronicity have to do with each other? Being in balance? Awareness? This sounds plausible.
Always be aware of the signs, symbols, coincidences and synchronicities that are all around you. As you do this, use your intuition to guide you along your path. Doing this will mean you are listening to your soul. And living from Soul.
Although you may not know exactly where the path is taking you, just know that by following the guidance of soul by paying attention to synchronicities and your intuition, you are on the right path. Remember, it's not the destination that matters, it's the journey.
While looking for a photo on Instagram.com, this was a very unexpected and beautiful surprise. A synchronicity, naturally.
"Your prayers and questions are being answered by synchronistic events. Notice them in order to increase their flow." As a result of all your prayers and manifestation work, you're now attracting synchronistic events. Those "chance meetings," information that you just "happen" to receive, and other synchronic-ities are really answered prayers."
By drawing this card, Heaven calls your attention to the synchronicity and serendipity happening in your life.The more you notice these magical events, the more they'll occur for you. Even better, write them down in a journal as a way to stimulate more synchronicity in your life.
You may already know that there are no coincidental or accidental occurrences. This card reflects your recent focus on positive thoughts, which are being directed toward your desires. Like a magical energy beam that can influence physical objects, your optimism and faith are reshaping your life into a masterpiece that reflects your higher self."
Love and Synchronicity,