Dec 22, 2015

Winter Solstice at Stonehenge - December 22, 2015

The winter solstice usually occurs on December 21. It being on December 22 was a surprise to me. Another surprise was when I googled for more information about it and found that Stonehenge is a significant part of this day as well as the summer solstice for many people. It's sacred for many.

"It is the most important day of the year for us because it welcomes in the new sun." ~ Arthur Pendragon

"The shortest day of the year often falls on December 21st, but the modern calendar of 365 days a year - with an extra day every four years - does not correspond exactly to the solar year of 365.2422 days."

Here is more information on the reason for December 22 being winter solstice this year rather than December 21.

"The term 'solstice' derives from the Latin word 'solstitium', meaning 'Sun standing still'. On this day the Sun seems to stand still at the Tropic of Capricorn and then reverses its direction as it reaches its southernmost position as seen from the Earth."

P.S. I just learned that winter solstice began yesterday, December 21 at 10:49 p.m. When winter solstice is, depends on our time zone, of course.

Love and Synchronicity,


Dec 21, 2015

Mountain Meditation

Cultivating a meditation practice, day 27: You can take a girl out of the mountains...but you can't take the mountains out of a girl. This morning, I spent time meditating in reflection. I replaced myself in the Medicine Bow National forest (WY), and recalled my steps, breath, sweat and joy. "It's not possible to significantly change your life, for better or for worse, by manipulating the material world. Not by working harder, not by studying longer, not by schmoozing, not by sweating, not by fasting, not by the hair of your chinny chin chin. But great change is inescapable when you first begin manipulating the world of your thoughts." My goals are set, planned and written in ink. My vision is strong and unwavering. My heart projects the details and replays my desires on repeat. "Wait infinitely for immediate results..." How does it get any better than this?!??? #meditate #meditation #meditationpractice #practiceandalliscoming #prosperity #purpose #vision #goals #digitalnomad #travel #govegan #vegan #veganforlife #vegangirl #vegansofig #naplesvegan
A photo posted by The Pattymelt (@pattyannblake) on

This photo appeared to me before the mountains with the heart view, but, following my intuition, I chose to save it for today.

Another tenant and I are supervisors in the computer lab in our apartment building. We help others with their computer and/or internet issues. He opens it up in the morning and we both usually lock up in the afternoon. Then we alternate on Saturdays, in which one of us opens and closes the lab. We have three other volunteers who help us at least once per week for a few hours each.

Although computers have been around for several decades and the World Wide Web since 1989, there are people who aren't computer nor internet literate. I'm happy to help, doing something that I enjoy. Computers!

Earlier today, while volunteering in the computer lab, all of the computers were being used and nobody needed help. So, I decided to read. I always bring a book just in case this happens.

I opened the book, but not to the page I was on, because it wasn't bookmarked. Rather, I opened it towards the middle. This I did without the intention of randomness. The page which opened up to me was a new chapter called, "Mountains".

Later, at home, an hour before I was aware of it's scheduled broadcast, the movie, "The Sound of Music" came on. Here is the song that I focused on the most. Of the many times I've seen the movie, it almost felt as though it was the first time hearing the song. Maybe it was. I mean really "hearing" it:

After all these years of my awareness of synchronicities and all that I've learned about them, I am often still in awe when they occur. I like that element of surprise. It's a high vibin' experience that never grows old or boring. It can surely be put on a list for ways to make one smile. At least those that are positive can.

Last night I asked the same question I always ask. What is the purpose of these synchronicities? Because of the movie which I wasn't expecting to come on when it did and my opening the book to see the Chapter, "Mountains", being revealed to me unexpectedly, I have more thoughts about the answer(s) to my question. I'll share what I come up with in my next post.

What a beautiful, sacred, learning experience for me. It is because of these experiences with synchronicities that have taught me the importance of awareness. Awareness in all that is part of this journey called "life".

For reflection and meditation:

  • What are the mountains you're afraid to climb?
  • What are the mountains you are fearlessly climbing?
  • Have you followed any rainbows lately?
  • Have you found your dream?

Love and Synchronicity,


Dec 11, 2015

New Moon in Sagittarius 2015 - Make A Wish

A photo posted by dinamanzo (@dinamanzo) on

I'll leave you with two articles to read about the New Moon and the Master Number 11. Both, which are about new beginnings:

"There are special days each and every month assigned for wish-making and intention setting. These magical days are called New Moon Days."

"You know how the sun makes its yearly travel through the star signs? Well, it turns out that it isn’t the only celestial body in our life that’s making its rounds. The moon makes a similar journey through the stars, but instead of spending a whole month in each sign, it stays a mere couple of days, and comes full circle in the matter of a month."
The rest is here: New Moon – Making a Fresh Start

* * *
"On Friday, December 11th the last new moon of 2015 will be in the sign of Sagittarius and it will be daring us to leave the past behind, once and for all.

In numerology, 11 is one of two master numbers—and it is the sign of new beginnings.

But before we can have a new beginning—we have to make the choice to say goodbye.

Ever since the Uranus Pluto square, in March, we have seen the breakdown of our previously known lives.

What seemed like a guarantee in the spring, now seems to be nothing but a stepping stone to the present moment."
The rest is here: Final New Moon of 2015: The Ultimate Dare from the Universe.

Love and Synchronicity,
