My experience with coffee and creativity is in tune with anyone who says the two belong together and answers the question of whether coffee is helping or hurting our creative processes.
The answer is plain to see. And taste. It's helping, oh, so deliciously.
Here are 10 Reasons to drink coffee.
When I say my Muse loves coffee, that is the number one reason why I drink it. Translation? Besides helping me with my alertness, it also gives the Muse that burst of creative energy. The spark of creativity to get my fingers tapping on the keyboard or writing in my notebook.
My spoon won't get withered from the hot coffee. It'll only ask for more time to stir it up. But I totally agree with Reese Witherspoon: "National coffee day is every day for me."
Stir, sip, taste and enjoy as you wander and focus (Not simultaneously. Wouldn't that be a trip?)
When it comes to creativity, the Universe is the highest in performance. All living beings are cosmic co-creators of the Universe. And synchronicity, which is the art of the Universe, is our tool for conscious living.
Combine synchronicity and serendipity and you've got "fly me to the moon (and beyond) magic".
Be aware of the magic all around you. The angels, God, the Universe, desire our attention and our inspired actions.
Awareness is key.
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"Once you get to the place where the synchronicities and serendipities are occurring with increasing frequency, you’re magnetizing yourself to your new future." ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza
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Have you taken a caffeinated dip with your creative projects today?
☕☕☕☕❤️ Full disclosure: #NationalCoffeeDay is every day for me ... But I love a good celebration! 😉 (🎨: #SowiesoWies) pic.twitter.com/53bThHo5xI— Reese Witherspoon (@RWitherspoon) September 29, 2016
Love and Synchronicity,