Nov 1, 2016

New Beginnings in November ("New-vember")

For an explanation of the title, read the caption on Instagram.

Love and Synchronicity,


Vibing with 11:11 and New Beginnings

These numbers have become a big topic last couple of years and something that more and more people notice. For me number 11 started appearing as I made a major life transition and started fresh. It was not only 11 o'clock but also where I lived and y he subway line I used to take, and many more places. In the beginning it was 1 and 0 combined and later the emphasis was on 11s. All of existence consists of geometric and mathematical rules and law, thus every number also correlated with certain frequency and vibration. 1 is the first number and in numerology it is associated with awakening and new beginnings. Even Abraham Hicks defined this phenomenon: "11:111 is the Universe knocking itself out to give you evidence of your alignment". It might thus be a sign to pay attention to ones intuition in order to get all the signs needed to lead the Higher Path in ones life. Soul growth and accelerated awakening is highly likely as well. I see these numbers as pure blessings like and they assure me that we are on the right path🌸 #11 #111 #1111 #eleveneleven #abrahamhicks #synchronicity #awakening #enlightenment #spirituality #lawofpositivism #meditation #affirmation #dailyaffirmations #astrology #numerology #444 #222 #mindful #lawofattraction #yoga #meditation #buddha #buddhism #healingenergy #reiki #kundalini #sohum

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Love and Synchronicity,


New Moon in Intense Scorpio

#Repost @law_of_positivism with @repostapp ・・・ We have all been feeling the intense and dark energy within us; there to only help evolve us to the new and ascendant version of ourselves. It is only when fear is faced, it can turn into love. It is only when we embrace all that we are and all that we are not, that we fully love our selves. When we learn what changes are needed within us, we also know what people and situations are vibrating on the same frequency as ourselves. We need to face the fact that we have energies within that need transforming and also that we do not have to accept other people's darkness, but let them face themselves and heal themselves in the process. Our souls evolution is very different from one another and we have to accept that we are all individually experiencing our evolution in different ways and forms. We can no longer suppress or hide our feelings and fears, it is now that it manifests in our dreams and in our surrounding that we are facing them in order to transform them into something positive and loving. #scorpio is the sign if mastery and transformation and it brings death in order to create new life. What needs to die now is only for the greater good of your future and your Higher Path. Embrace you passion and sexuality and become One with another soul for a higher enlightened state. Plant your seeds, create new and fresh beginnings. Life only becomes lighter after this point🌸🌙 #newmoon #scorpionewmoon #blackmoon #newmoonritual #newbeginnings #moongoddess #goddess #feminine #meditation #affirmation #dailyaffirmations #astrology #numerology #111 #mindful #lawofattraction #yoga #meditation #buddha #healingenergy #wiccan #spiritual #loveandlight #lightbeings #whitewitch #awakening #intuition #empath #awareness

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Love and Synchronicity,
