Nov 23, 2015

Scorpio/Sagittarius Cusp

Scorpio/Sagittarius Cusp

"You are like a magician who can rise out of the ordinary and reach the heights of the extraordinary. Great scholars and learners have been born under the cusp sun sign of Scorpio-Sagittarius.

You have a spiritual bend of mind and love to explore the world around you armed with knowledge and learning. You never believe in anything unless you have a full proof and this investigative trait in you is backed by your determination to probe and the strong sense of intuition.

Your philosophical and exploratory nature makes you live life king size."

Note: This is not true for me:
"You never believe in anything unless you have a full proof."

Love and Synchronicity,


Nov 21, 2015

Magic and Synchronicity with the Magician Tarot Card

What a magical way to celebrate my birthday! I've been quite focused on the magic of synchronicity today. Of all days, what a delight to have this card show up for me. I am only one among many who believe that synchronicity is magic. Those of us who do believe, are in good company.

When we can't logically explain events and experiences, we, the open-minded and even the healthy skeptics, call them mystical, magical...the closed-minded skeptics call them woo. That doesn't bother me. Everyone is entitled to their own beliefs and opinions. As long as they're not harming others.

This is not only meant for me. May you be inspired by the message on this tarot card.

Love and Synchronicity,


Nov 20, 2015

Nov 9, 2015

11/11 Scorpio New Moon Intentions & Oracle Card Reading

I was guided to pull 2 cards from the Archangel Oracle Cards today, then I decided to pull a 3rd card from the Angel Answers deck. This reading is for this week. The images on these cards are so powerful and beautiful ~ they really speak to me about the energy we are experiencing right now. It's time to get busy and create an action plan. Maybe this will require you having to do some research about what you need to do help you realize your dreams. Create a plan for where you would like to be in the next year or so, and begin taking action. Call upon Archangel Metatron to help you with this. Continue to do things that bring you joy and keep moving forward. The appearance of Moon Cycles card is extra confirmation to be spending time this week connecting to Mother Moon to aid you in planting the seeds of your manifestations. There is a new moon in the sign of Scorpio this Wednesday, 11-11. Archangel Haniel is the archangel associated with the moon. Call upon Haniel for support, and you will feel her loving, nurturing energy. The last step is to take action at the end of the week. Leave behind any doubts or worry. You've done great work to get to where you are. The time has come to go for it. Take a risk if you need to. Step outside of your comfort zone. Know that you are divinely supported and loved. God and the angels want you to be so successful and happy! You deserve all of the amazing things coming your way! Lots of love and prayers for you to be showered with love, abundance and happiness this week. ✨💗✨ #prioritize #mooncycles #action #manifest #newmoon #research #focus #actionplan #scorpio #blessings #angels #archangels #metatron #archangelhaniel #angelmessages #oracle #oraclecards #doreenvirtue #radleighvalentine #energy #comfortzone #takearisk #dontsettle #followyourdreams #prosperity #abundance

A photo posted by Gina Kleiser (@littlewingangelmedicine) on

“In the universe there is an immeasurable, indescribable force which shamans call intent, and absolutely everything that exists in the entire cosmos is attached to intent by a connecting link.”
~Carlos Castaneda~.

Let the passionate Scorpio energy help you to tap into your intuition and creativity. Any synchronicities you have been paying attention to in the past month or so can be used as a guide while you let go of what no longer serves you and for the planting of new seeds and ideas you desire to become manifest in your life.

Set your new moon intentions. Before you know it, those dream seeds you planted will be in full bloom. When it's their time, you'll know it's Divine.

Go within: Intend, meditate.

Take inspired action.

Love and Synchronicity,
