Sep 14, 2017

Seek and Find

Spirit led me as I photo journeyed my way through Instagram. With no specific focus nor destination, I continued searching and reading. I had no plan to post anything on my blog and yet, here I am.

I don't normally know immediately what the message is when it comes from the Universe as a synchronicity (as this is). What I do know for sure is, to pay attention to all meaningful coincidences that feel connected to each other. I use the word "feel" because that's how I experience synchronicities. There is an energy through each sign/symbol whether it's an object (a feather, for instance), a number (or a series of numbers), an unexpected encounter with a stranger or someone I haven't seen/spoken to in a long while...and many more examples.

I've seen this quote many times in the past 7 years. I must say, this time it is different. This time there is a message for me, synchronistically. I just don't know what that message is right now. I've learned that the messages sent by the Universe (God, Spirit, angels) don't always come quickly. Some take much longer. Rather than minutes, hours, or days, they may take weeks or months.

If you're not a patient person, this is a good way to practice developing patience. Ideally, the best way to wait for the message(s) to be revealed to you is to let go and flow and remain in a state of flow as much as possible. What hinders us from being in that state more often than we do? One culprit is the ego-self. The ego-self is that which wants to keep us away from our True Self (soul). Ego (E.G.O.= Edging Out God) thrives on chaos and conflict. Just look at the president.

I have no right to judge because that's been my experience for so long, I've lost track of the time. It's been pretty dark in my world. So dark that many times I doubted there was any light left in me at all.

Oh. I just read the quote again and reminded myself of the wall I had been slowly building around my heart. I'm not ready nor willing to tear it down yet. It's not complete, but it's getting closer to being so.

I've built and torn down so many walls around my heart, it's become like second nature. This is the strongest one yet. So strong that it'll take more than one miracle to even begin to release one brick, which may be how the wall falls down. Brick by brick. Crumbling as they're broken on their way down, to a heart that has been broken over and over again.

Just an fyi...some hearts are never repaired. Some take just so much until there is nothing left and too much damage has been done. I don't want to be one of them.

Love and Synchronicity,


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