May 8, 2010

Divine Dreaming

Sometime during the first two weeks of last month, I had what felt like they could be dreams and yet, there were no pictures. It was all just a feeling. I shouldn’t even say “just a feeling” because these feelings were so strong and they felt so good, I didn’t want them to go away. Ever.

When I woke up, they hadn’t gone away. And I wondered what had happened to me while I was sleeping because I remember the tingly feeling begin before I woke up.

Just in case you are wondering, no, I didn’t think that I had been abducted by an alien. I did have a crazy thought, though. Because before I went to sleep, there was someone on my mind and while I was sleeping he was still there. In my thoughts while I was having this picture-less dream. So I thought…maybe…

I eventually dismissed that idea and thought it was a divine presence. To be honest with you, this is one of the reasons I am just now writing about it. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to. If I should. There I go with caring what others think again.

Sure, some may think I must be a lonely middle-aged woman dreaming up crazy stories for some attention. If that were true, I’d be writing more often because I do have a lot I could say. But I think I’ll keep that stuff for my journal or just keep it to myself without writing it down at all. Some things are better left unsaid and inside my head.

I had four dreams like that throughout the two week period. I’d go to sleep and after what seemed to be about 10 minutes, I’d get this sensation over me of someone entering my body. I’d feel tingles throughout my entire body and because of that, I’d also be aroused. The tingles were…everywhere. Sexual energy. That’s how it felt. But somehow I knew it wasn’t about sex.

I sensed a spiritual phenomenon had just occurred. With my body and more importantly, with my soul. Every time it happened, I’d wake up with it still there and I couldn’t help but smile.

I did wish that it were his soul, the man I had been thinking about. His essence coming into mine. But now, I don’t think so.

I hoped it would happen again. It was a weird feeling to be walking around with at tingly feeling all day. But dang it felt good! I kept that wish in my heart. I also wished that I would have a dream where I would see something or someone.

By then it didn’t matter if it was “him” or not. I wanted a visual.

I had no clue what I was asking for.

Be careful what you wish for.;-)

