Mar 6, 2016

Creative Geniuses at Play


"Creativity is intelligence having fun." ~ Einstein

I'm manifesting creative geniuses into my life.

They are raising my vibrations.

Make Sunday a fun day, taking it into work on Monday...

And call it "play".

Love and Synchronicity...

And Gratitude,


Mar 3, 2016

The Magic of Multiple Threes

Today's date 3-3-2016 is very special because it's double 3. Time to meditate and manifest beginnings and taking on new projects that ignite your soul ✨ a time for self love💙💜💚 to be your own nurturer; to hold yourself; your wisdom; your clarity; all in the LIGHT of who you are becoming as you shed the old cycles that no longer serve you ✨ 3/3/2016 numerology shows: 3+3=6: All about L O V E ❤️ and nurturing yourself, and also being pregnant with ideas 3/3= a double dose of Ascended Masters moving into nurture those new ideas 2+1+6=9: And this year is all about ending of cycles ❤️ 🙌 😇 Yes, It is time to be in LOVE with YOU!!! #LisaLee #numerology #newbeginings #shed #endings #newfoundlove #within #belove #3 #directlinktosource #ascendedmasters #timetomanifest

A photo posted by AMY ROSE (@amyroseyoga) on

What else does the energy of number 3 mean?

Here it shows that it's a spiritually charged number.

It is a number well-used and used well in creative design projects. It puts photos and the pages they are on all in balance and harmony.

Being multiplied in sequence, the double 3s are amplified giving them a double dose of energy and magic.

Adding the numbers of the date, including each number in the year, reveals another number 3, which means the number is actually tripled. Three times the energy of magic. More energy for wishes being fulfilled, intentions becoming manifest.

Allow the magic of today's energy move you forward, experiencing more magic throughout this end-of-cycle 9-year.

Love and Synchronicity,


Trust Your Intuition

A photo posted by @indigogathering on

Here is a sign that my spirit guides (butterfly and owl) are with me. When they show up together like this, I know I'm being lead by Soul. I may not know when...or where, but, I know it's reach me, to teach me. To help me in the evolution of soul.

Butterflies teach the power of freedom.

Owl energy will help you to get silent and tap into and trust your intuition. It'll show you the wisdom of your soul is there to guide you with discernment and love.

Think about this:

If butterflies and owls were to continually show up together in your life...and you allowed their spirits to dance with you, what would you learn from their guidance?

It is not a requirement nor a necessity to seek the help of animal spiritual guides (totems). It can, however, be beneficial to one's wellbeing. Maybe you'll gain a new perspective from what you're used to. Maybe it'll bring a radical change into your life that you hadn't yet imagined.

If you've been thinking the same way, how will your actions be different? How will you be able to get different results?

"The key to success is to risk thinking unconventional thoughts. Convention is the enemy of progress. If you go down just one corridor of thought you never get to see what’s in the rooms leading off it." ~ Trevor Baylis
Thinking differently is a creative endeavor. Surprise yourself. Trust your intuition. Think a new thought. Again. Trust your intuition.

Love and Synchronicity,
