Aug 22, 2016

Meaning of Number 22 – Master Number 22

I found some of this article about the Number 22 to be in synch(ronicity) with my energy, my soul, and my life. A nice way [time and reason] to come back to blogging.

Here's a thought I left on Google+:

"It's funny how a number can be described by its vibrational values and be understood mystically and energetically. How can a number contain energies that coincide and resonate with that of a human being? Hint: It's cosmic and soul-full. When you think of numerology, think of the Whole: mind, body and spirit."

Love and Synchronicity,


Update: This was a rush job because it was almost time for the library to close when I found that article. After I got home I couldn't remember if I had written "time" or "way". Now that I have more time and have read it over, I think (hope) what I wrote makes more sense (which I am aware isn't always the case).:-p

Aug 4, 2016

Just a Note...

When we are used to having access to the internet, text messaging, etc., it's easy to take it all for granted. We grow accustomed to depending on these technologies.

I have been without internet service for most of the past two weeks. After I finish posting this, I don't know when I'll be able to return.

All is not lost, though. I am still able to do many of the activities I normally do. Only differently.

Do you remember how we would write with pen and paper? Some still do, I'm sure. And now I am in that group of those who do. It's been an adjustment, but it's getting easier.

That doesn't mean I don't miss using the internet for my research and writing. I hope it won't be too long.

There has been a shift, that's for sure. A positive shift and more clarity of mind and spirit.

Well, this is all I have time for now.

I have been experiencing...

Love and Synchronicity,
