Jul 13, 2016

Creative Muse at Play

triangle kite fold reverse

"The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves."
~ Carl Jung
Creative Muse at play and yet...

This is not what I intended on posting. I have two other blog posts in my "Draft" folder. I was all ready to work on one of them until I saw the title to this one...which was also in "Draft" mode. As soon as I read the words, "Flights of Freedom" I knew...

"Timing is everything".

"Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual."
~ Arthur Koestler

I've known that the spiral is a symbol for creativity. It's also one of my favorite shapes/symbols. But I wanted to learn something new and to share it with you if possible. So I googled to find out if there were any other symbols which denote creativity.

Triangles as well as the number 3 are symbols of both magic and creativity. Perfect choice. Three's showing up in your life as they have in mine may indicate a need for creative expression and/or the promise of new adventures. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Especially when there is a high possibility of reward and success.

Numerologically speaking, the number 3 also holds the energy of intuition.

*Before submitting this, I want to share a synchronicity with you.

Wanting to take my eyes away from this post for a short time (for editing purposes), I got on Twitter after finding the photo and after writing about the triangle. Reading a few tweets and clicking on a link to another Twitter page, I found the same symbol. It was a new page for me. Maybe not purposely, but someone did indeed lead me there.

Although I knew that I wanted to use the triangle for this post, the synchronicity was a confirmation. And it also gave me inspiration to write more. Had that triangle on Twitter not revealed itself to me synchronistically, this post would've been much shorter.

The photo is of a kite, which conjures up thoughts and images of flying free. Flights of Freedom...dancing and playing today with the Universe. That is, synchronicity.

The color green is associated with the 4th chakra, which is also referred to as the heart chakra (Anahata: means unstuck, unhurt"). It's also associated with nature, harmony, love, new life and birth (new beginnings).

With all this said, I only shared a small amount of information that was specific for this blog post (plus a few bonus meanings). If you're interested in learning more about the meanings of the triangle and the color green, it would be better to conduct your own research. There is an ocean of perspectives in symbolism.

Send yourself on a creative journey of synchronicities and discover the deeper meanings of colors, symbols and numbers in the infinite universe.

Love and Synchronicity,


Jul 11, 2016

Timing is Everything

timing is everything photo: timing is everything IMG_1126-1.jpg
Last week while watching TV I heard this phrase, "Timing is Everything" said on two very different types of shows. Today while looking at something I posted in a "Draft" folder, I saw the phrase on a blog that is linked to that post.

"3rd time's a charm", right?

That depends on who is doing the experiencing. It's a matter of perspective. What if, for instance it's the 3rd time that something happened to you that you didn't want to happen? There's no charm in that. However, perhaps there's a lesson that may become a charming life-changing event.

What if, on the other hand, it was like a 3rd wish. Or an intent?

So, "What does this mean for me?" I ask the Universe.

I'm going to "sleep on it" and see if an answer is revealed in a dream. I've tried doing that many times with other questions, with no results. Maybe I wasn't doing it right.

Love and Synchronicity,
