Jan 5, 2016

A Divine Message of Inspiration

"Pay attention to whatever inspires you, for it is spirit trying to communicate with you, that's why its called inspiration, as in-spirit. Listen to it, believe it, and act on it." ~ Author Unknown

It's been a busy day. Once again, this was not what I was looking for, but it took only a second or so to reveal itself to me.

Synchronicities are everywhere and everywhen (I'll explain that another time).

Dreams. Another place to experience synchronicity. Dreams can reveal so much and are a conduit to your soul. Let them ignite a fire in you. To inspire you.

Love and Synchronicity,


Jan 1, 2016

Cheers to a Blank Page of Infinite Possibilities

"A new year is like a blank book. The pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Today is the first day of a new year with 365 blank pages.

Your body-physical is truly a temple through which the mental, the spiritual and soul development must manifest; Every day say I Love you, I respect you, I Thank you, over your cup of whatever you drink every day.

Love yourself always and you will find friends and family be on your side through thick and thin.

~ Lukas Remmerswaal ~

When you allow your soul to guide you as you write your story, love will win. Be inspired by love and you will inspire others to do the same.

love photo: Love inside loveinside.jpg

Happy New Year!

Love and Synchronicity,
