Dec 10, 2016

Tarot Reading: Dec 9 - Dec 15, 2016 by Psychic Jeanie

"Synchronicity. Confidence, satisfaction, wealth and achievements in this week’s reading. Completion and new beginnings for you: have faith, go boldly, trust, new journey; being blessed, blissful contentment, positivity; stability, abundance, gifts, gratitude, legacy; and success, completion, victory, finishing strong." ~ Psychic Jeanie
This tarot reading consists of The Fool and 3 10s.

Love and Synchronicity,


Nov 1, 2016

New Beginnings in November ("New-vember")

For an explanation of the title, read the caption on Instagram.

Love and Synchronicity,


Vibing with 11:11 and New Beginnings

These numbers have become a big topic last couple of years and something that more and more people notice. For me number 11 started appearing as I made a major life transition and started fresh. It was not only 11 o'clock but also where I lived and y he subway line I used to take, and many more places. In the beginning it was 1 and 0 combined and later the emphasis was on 11s. All of existence consists of geometric and mathematical rules and law, thus every number also correlated with certain frequency and vibration. 1 is the first number and in numerology it is associated with awakening and new beginnings. Even Abraham Hicks defined this phenomenon: "11:111 is the Universe knocking itself out to give you evidence of your alignment". It might thus be a sign to pay attention to ones intuition in order to get all the signs needed to lead the Higher Path in ones life. Soul growth and accelerated awakening is highly likely as well. I see these numbers as pure blessings like and they assure me that we are on the right path๐ŸŒธ #11 #111 #1111 #eleveneleven #abrahamhicks #synchronicity #awakening #enlightenment #spirituality #lawofpositivism #meditation #affirmation #dailyaffirmations #astrology #numerology #444 #222 #mindful #lawofattraction #yoga #meditation #buddha #buddhism #healingenergy #reiki #kundalini #sohum

A photo posted by Law Of Positivism (@law_of_positivism) on

Love and Synchronicity,


New Moon in Intense Scorpio

#Repost @law_of_positivism with @repostapp ・・・ We have all been feeling the intense and dark energy within us; there to only help evolve us to the new and ascendant version of ourselves. It is only when fear is faced, it can turn into love. It is only when we embrace all that we are and all that we are not, that we fully love our selves. When we learn what changes are needed within us, we also know what people and situations are vibrating on the same frequency as ourselves. We need to face the fact that we have energies within that need transforming and also that we do not have to accept other people's darkness, but let them face themselves and heal themselves in the process. Our souls evolution is very different from one another and we have to accept that we are all individually experiencing our evolution in different ways and forms. We can no longer suppress or hide our feelings and fears, it is now that it manifests in our dreams and in our surrounding that we are facing them in order to transform them into something positive and loving. #scorpio is the sign if mastery and transformation and it brings death in order to create new life. What needs to die now is only for the greater good of your future and your Higher Path. Embrace you passion and sexuality and become One with another soul for a higher enlightened state. Plant your seeds, create new and fresh beginnings. Life only becomes lighter after this point๐ŸŒธ๐ŸŒ™ #newmoon #scorpionewmoon #blackmoon #newmoonritual #newbeginnings #moongoddess #goddess #feminine #meditation #affirmation #dailyaffirmations #astrology #numerology #111 #mindful #lawofattraction #yoga #meditation #buddha #healingenergy #wiccan #spiritual #loveandlight #lightbeings #whitewitch #awakening #intuition #empath #awareness

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Love and Synchronicity,


Oct 27, 2016

If You Want Something, Ask

A photo posted by Thinking Minds (@thinkingmindspage) on

"If you don't ask, you don't get."
Stevie Wonder

Love and Synchronicity,


A Note From the Universe: Ask

Today's Note from the Universe. xoxo #notesfromtheuniverse

A photo posted by Mike Dooley (@mikedooleytut) on

Love and Synchronicity,


Oct 21, 2016

Respond to Every Call That Excites Your Spirit

Synchronicity Wins

cosmic love photo: cosmic love 101061288l.jpg

Love and Synchronicity,


The Love Letter

I saw this movie when it first aired on TV. I used to have it on VHS. It's my favorite Hallmark movie and one of my favorite movies of all time.

I was thrilled to find it on YouTube. I've lost track of how many times I've seen it.

"I ache for a love that burns like fire...

and moonlight."

"I speak with you in my mind and heart..."

"Goodnight Sweetheart."

"Dream of me."

"A touch like a sweet promise."

~ ~ ~

Love is timeless.

Love and Synchronicity,


Oct 3, 2016

Synchronicity is the Cosmic Dance of the Universe

It feels like you're dancing
with the Universe."
* * *
That's because synchronicity is the cosmic dance of the Universe.

We are the dancers becoming the dance until we become the dance.

Imagine, performing your cosmic dance with the Universe.

Then initiating a collaboration between you and the Universe.

With those steps, you, as a co-creator, will be at the dawn of a new creation (whatever that may be).

This dance, this 'cosmic dance', is what will lead you to your destiny.

Here's a quote which has the same meaning of what I wrote:

* * *
“We do not create our destiny;
we participate in its unfolding.
Synchronicity works as a catalyst
toward the working out of that destiny.”
~ David Richo ~

Love and Synchronicity,


Sep 29, 2016

The Muse Loves National Coffee Day

Cafe Coffee DayThis fresh, new blog design is brought to you by the Muse and her (occasional) sweet coffee. Most of the time I take it black. This is in celebration of National Coffee Day.

My experience with coffee and creativity is in tune with anyone who says the two belong together and answers the question of whether coffee is helping or hurting our creative processes.

The answer is plain to see. And taste. It's helping, oh, so deliciously.

Here are 10 Reasons to drink coffee.

When I say my Muse loves coffee, that is the number one reason why I drink it. Translation? Besides helping me with my alertness, it also gives the Muse that burst of creative energy. The spark of creativity to get my fingers tapping on the keyboard or writing in my notebook.

My spoon won't get withered from the hot coffee. It'll only ask for more time to stir it up. But I totally agree with Reese Witherspoon: "National coffee day is every day for me."

Stir, sip, taste and enjoy as you wander and focus (Not simultaneously. Wouldn't that be a trip?)

When it comes to creativity, the Universe is the highest in performance. All living beings are cosmic co-creators of the Universe. And synchronicity, which is the art of the Universe, is our tool for conscious living.

Combine synchronicity and serendipity and you've got "fly me to the moon (and beyond) magic".

Be aware of the magic all around you. The angels, God, the Universe, desire our attention and our inspired actions.

Awareness is key.

* * *
"Once you get to the place where the synchronicities and serendipities are occurring with increasing frequency, you’re magnetizing yourself to your new future." ~ Dr. Joe Dispenza
* * *

Have you taken a caffeinated dip with your creative projects today?

Love and Synchronicity,


New Adventures

Aug 22, 2016

Meaning of Number 22 – Master Number 22

I found some of this article about the Number 22 to be in synch(ronicity) with my energy, my soul, and my life. A nice way [time and reason] to come back to blogging.

Here's a thought I left on Google+:

"It's funny how a number can be described by its vibrational values and be understood mystically and energetically. How can a number contain energies that coincide and resonate with that of a human being? Hint: It's cosmic and soul-full. When you think of numerology, think of the Whole: mind, body and spirit."

Love and Synchronicity,


Update: This was a rush job because it was almost time for the library to close when I found that article. After I got home I couldn't remember if I had written "time" or "way". Now that I have more time and have read it over, I think (hope) what I wrote makes more sense (which I am aware isn't always the case).:-p

Aug 4, 2016

Just a Note...

When we are used to having access to the internet, text messaging, etc., it's easy to take it all for granted. We grow accustomed to depending on these technologies.

I have been without internet service for most of the past two weeks. After I finish posting this, I don't know when I'll be able to return.

All is not lost, though. I am still able to do many of the activities I normally do. Only differently.

Do you remember how we would write with pen and paper? Some still do, I'm sure. And now I am in that group of those who do. It's been an adjustment, but it's getting easier.

That doesn't mean I don't miss using the internet for my research and writing. I hope it won't be too long.

There has been a shift, that's for sure. A positive shift and more clarity of mind and spirit.

Well, this is all I have time for now.

I have been experiencing...

Love and Synchronicity,


Jul 13, 2016

Creative Muse at Play

triangle kite fold reverse

"The creation of something new is not accomplished by the intellect but by the play instinct acting from inner necessity. The creative mind plays with the objects it loves."
~ Carl Jung
Creative Muse at play and yet...

This is not what I intended on posting. I have two other blog posts in my "Draft" folder. I was all ready to work on one of them until I saw the title to this one...which was also in "Draft" mode. As soon as I read the words, "Flights of Freedom" I knew...

"Timing is everything".

"Creativity is a type of learning process where the teacher and pupil are located in the same individual."
~ Arthur Koestler

I've known that the spiral is a symbol for creativity. It's also one of my favorite shapes/symbols. But I wanted to learn something new and to share it with you if possible. So I googled to find out if there were any other symbols which denote creativity.

Triangles as well as the number 3 are symbols of both magic and creativity. Perfect choice. Three's showing up in your life as they have in mine may indicate a need for creative expression and/or the promise of new adventures. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Especially when there is a high possibility of reward and success.

Numerologically speaking, the number 3 also holds the energy of intuition.

*Before submitting this, I want to share a synchronicity with you.

Wanting to take my eyes away from this post for a short time (for editing purposes), I got on Twitter after finding the photo and after writing about the triangle. Reading a few tweets and clicking on a link to another Twitter page, I found the same symbol. It was a new page for me. Maybe not purposely, but someone did indeed lead me there.

Although I knew that I wanted to use the triangle for this post, the synchronicity was a confirmation. And it also gave me inspiration to write more. Had that triangle on Twitter not revealed itself to me synchronistically, this post would've been much shorter.

The photo is of a kite, which conjures up thoughts and images of flying free. Flights of Freedom...dancing and playing today with the Universe. That is, synchronicity.

The color green is associated with the 4th chakra, which is also referred to as the heart chakra (Anahata: means unstuck, unhurt"). It's also associated with nature, harmony, love, new life and birth (new beginnings).

With all this said, I only shared a small amount of information that was specific for this blog post (plus a few bonus meanings). If you're interested in learning more about the meanings of the triangle and the color green, it would be better to conduct your own research. There is an ocean of perspectives in symbolism.

Send yourself on a creative journey of synchronicities and discover the deeper meanings of colors, symbols and numbers in the infinite universe.

Love and Synchronicity,


Jul 11, 2016

Timing is Everything

timing is everything photo: timing is everything IMG_1126-1.jpg
Last week while watching TV I heard this phrase, "Timing is Everything" said on two very different types of shows. Today while looking at something I posted in a "Draft" folder, I saw the phrase on a blog that is linked to that post.

"3rd time's a charm", right?

That depends on who is doing the experiencing. It's a matter of perspective. What if, for instance it's the 3rd time that something happened to you that you didn't want to happen? There's no charm in that. However, perhaps there's a lesson that may become a charming life-changing event.

What if, on the other hand, it was like a 3rd wish. Or an intent?

So, "What does this mean for me?" I ask the Universe.

I'm going to "sleep on it" and see if an answer is revealed in a dream. I've tried doing that many times with other questions, with no results. Maybe I wasn't doing it right.

Love and Synchronicity,


Jun 26, 2016

Let's Begin Again (Lyric Video)

Stรคmpf (Staempf) is a new band [to me]. They are a Swiss-based rock band.

I like this video a lot.:)

Please have a listen.

Love and Synchronicity,


Jun 2, 2016

The Magic of Beginnings

"And suddenly you just know..
it's time to start something new and
trust in the magic of beginnings."
~Meister Eckhart~

I had a photo of a painting of Meister Eckhart, but he looks so somber in it. So I decided to try again. I knew this was the right one when I saw the butterfly. I didn't see the number 22 until after I chose it.

Anytime can be a new beginning. We don't have to wait for a New Moon or a new year. Do it when it feels right. When you get a sign or when you are finally ready to make that decision. Do it when you want to. Not when others tell you.

Be curious, be inspired but don't be forced. Let it flow gently with passion.

Love and Synchronicity,


Mar 6, 2016

Creative Geniuses at Play


"Creativity is intelligence having fun." ~ Einstein

I'm manifesting creative geniuses into my life.

They are raising my vibrations.

Make Sunday a fun day, taking it into work on Monday...

And call it "play".

Love and Synchronicity...

And Gratitude,


Mar 3, 2016

The Magic of Multiple Threes

Today's date 3-3-2016 is very special because it's double 3. Time to meditate and manifest beginnings and taking on new projects that ignite your soul ✨ a time for self love๐Ÿ’™๐Ÿ’œ๐Ÿ’š to be your own nurturer; to hold yourself; your wisdom; your clarity; all in the LIGHT of who you are becoming as you shed the old cycles that no longer serve you ✨ 3/3/2016 numerology shows: 3+3=6: All about L O V E ❤️ and nurturing yourself, and also being pregnant with ideas 3/3= a double dose of Ascended Masters moving into nurture those new ideas 2+1+6=9: And this year is all about ending of cycles ❤️ ๐Ÿ™Œ ๐Ÿ˜‡ Yes, It is time to be in LOVE with YOU!!! #LisaLee #numerology #newbeginings #shed #endings #newfoundlove #within #belove #3 #directlinktosource #ascendedmasters #timetomanifest

A photo posted by AMY ROSE (@amyroseyoga) on

What else does the energy of number 3 mean?

Here it shows that it's a spiritually charged number.

It is a number well-used and used well in creative design projects. It puts photos and the pages they are on all in balance and harmony.

Being multiplied in sequence, the double 3s are amplified giving them a double dose of energy and magic.

Adding the numbers of the date, including each number in the year, reveals another number 3, which means the number is actually tripled. Three times the energy of magic. More energy for wishes being fulfilled, intentions becoming manifest.

Allow the magic of today's energy move you forward, experiencing more magic throughout this end-of-cycle 9-year.

Love and Synchronicity,


Trust Your Intuition

A photo posted by @indigogathering on

Here is a sign that my spirit guides (butterfly and owl) are with me. When they show up together like this, I know I'm being lead by Soul. I may not know when...or where, but, I know it's reach me, to teach me. To help me in the evolution of soul.

Butterflies teach the power of freedom.

Owl energy will help you to get silent and tap into and trust your intuition. It'll show you the wisdom of your soul is there to guide you with discernment and love.

Think about this:

If butterflies and owls were to continually show up together in your life...and you allowed their spirits to dance with you, what would you learn from their guidance?

It is not a requirement nor a necessity to seek the help of animal spiritual guides (totems). It can, however, be beneficial to one's wellbeing. Maybe you'll gain a new perspective from what you're used to. Maybe it'll bring a radical change into your life that you hadn't yet imagined.

If you've been thinking the same way, how will your actions be different? How will you be able to get different results?

"The key to success is to risk thinking unconventional thoughts. Convention is the enemy of progress. If you go down just one corridor of thought you never get to see what’s in the rooms leading off it." ~ Trevor Baylis
Thinking differently is a creative endeavor. Surprise yourself. Trust your intuition. Think a new thought. Again. Trust your intuition.

Love and Synchronicity,


Feb 25, 2016

Music Heals the Soul

A photo posted by @music_art_life8 on

"If music wakes you up, makes you think, heals you...then, I guess the music is working." ~ A R Rahman

Love and Synchronicity,


Feb 24, 2016

Maybe Tomorrow...

maybe tomorrow photo: maybe tomorrow tumblr_l5kvf0ZEQy1qzjb0so1_500.jpg

Maybe Tomorrow

Maybe tomorrow,

The tears won't fall.

Maybe tomorrow,

The Muse will call.

Maybe tomorrow,

I won't see.

Maybe tomorrow,

Magic will free...

Its creativity.

Maybe tomorrow

_ _ _


Jan 5, 2016

A Divine Message of Inspiration

"Pay attention to whatever inspires you, for it is spirit trying to communicate with you, that's why its called inspiration, as in-spirit. Listen to it, believe it, and act on it." ~ Author Unknown

It's been a busy day. Once again, this was not what I was looking for, but it took only a second or so to reveal itself to me.

Synchronicities are everywhere and everywhen (I'll explain that another time).

Dreams. Another place to experience synchronicity. Dreams can reveal so much and are a conduit to your soul. Let them ignite a fire in you. To inspire you.

Love and Synchronicity,


Jan 1, 2016

Cheers to a Blank Page of Infinite Possibilities

"A new year is like a blank book. The pen is in your hands. It is your chance to write a beautiful story for yourself. Today is the first day of a new year with 365 blank pages.

Your body-physical is truly a temple through which the mental, the spiritual and soul development must manifest; Every day say I Love you, I respect you, I Thank you, over your cup of whatever you drink every day.

Love yourself always and you will find friends and family be on your side through thick and thin.

~ Lukas Remmerswaal ~

When you allow your soul to guide you as you write your story, love will win. Be inspired by love and you will inspire others to do the same.

love photo: Love inside loveinside.jpg

Happy New Year!

Love and Synchronicity,
