Sep 22, 2017

Master Number 22 - The Master Builder

I began noticing the number 22 in 1997. Fast forward to today and it's as though the number has been following/guiding me through out the years. Because of its mystic nature, I don't know if it's possible to give a clear explanation of it's meaning for my life when it's not in my numerology chart. I do, however, take into account the meanings that it has been given and then I accept what resonates with me and discard the rest.

Everyone has a story. So, if you are interested in numerology and synchronicity, remember that ultimately, your experiences and perceptions are yours and yours alone. As are mine. Our stories and our experiences will be unique, and yet they can be similar. The deeper you go, the more unique they'll be.

A few years ago I took the task of writing something about the Master #22 on the 22nd of each month on my blog. There were only a few months when I didn't have anything to post. It was highly energizing and a lot of fun. Since this year is more than half over, I'm not going to commit to repeating that task. Now, I will post something when I am inspired to do so. New experiences will lead me to make that decision.

For today, though, I do want to share something from an expert, which I am not. Some of what she wrote is new to me. Some that I had never run across online or thought of myself. Such as the master numbers being in conflict with each other. It makes it more interesting and therefore, more reason to study.

Below is a snippet of the article by Felicia Bender, The Practical Numerologist

"Your Life’s Purpose:

To become a master teacher and change people’s lives in a practical and tangible way.

The Master Number brings with it an intensity that is undeniable and “ups the ante” substantially. I’ll say that you’ve come with a higher spiritual purpose, no matter how you might define that. The Master Numbers bring with them a higher vibration.

So what does that mean for you on a practical level? It means that you’re here to “master” your life. It means that you have some significant strengths and more intense challenges. The bottom line for you: It’s not easy!"

photo credit: Leo Reynolds M&S Purple Bingo Number 22 via photopin (license)

Love and Synchronicity,


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